How to increase girth of penis

Ask any lady about one thing she would like to change about her partner’s member, 9 out of 10 times; she will desire a more full-” filling” experience than a “long” er one! The pun is totally intended here, ladies and gentlemen. The anatomy of the vagina is such that it is pretty shallow, around 4 inches or lesser in circumference. Thus a thicker penis is more likely to give her the clitoral stimulation and vaginal sensation that she deserves to experience! So, gentlemen, if you are less than happy about your penis girth size and often find yourself looking for answers to questions like, “how to increase the girth of the penis?” you have come to the right place where will seek to provide scientifically proven solutions to your queries regarding achieving more girth in the penis (penis girth) without any surgical intervention! Read on to know more.

Traction based penis elongator devices:

Where many pills and lotions flood the market with seemingly “miraculous” powers at yielding unbelievable results when it comes to increasing penile girth and length, it is imperative to separate fact from fiction. There is no scientific backing for such gimmicks, and they serve no other purpose than fooling naive customers. However, there is a ray of hope when researching the scientific evidence supporting penis dimensions enhancement resulting from traction-based devices.

So whether you wish to present a better “endowed” picture in locker room discussions or desire to satisfy your partner between the sheets, investing in the right penis-extender is truly your knight in shining armor! Like you like your chocolates to be Swiss, you would like your medical engineering to be Danish. Presenting Jes-Extender, an FDA-approved, Clinically Tested Device endorsed traction-based penis extender that helps gentlemen across the globe increase girth of their penis and provides first-level treatment for correcting penile curvature caused by Peyronie’s disease.

Let’s dissect the mechanics behind its working. So simply put, this device utilizes the power of cytokinesis or cell multiplication by causing micro-tears along the shaft when used as recommended. The sustained pressure applied initiates the process of cell multiplication, increasing penis length and girth because the growth happens in all directions and not just linearly! So you end up with a longer and thicker penis. A study conducted at the University of Turin reported average growth of 0.7 inches (flaccid) in participants who used the method for four to six hours each day over four months.

Good grooming practices, regular exercise, and excellent heart health:

Sometimes losing some weight if you are obese or overweight and following good grooming practices can give the appearance of enhanced penile dimensions. “If you have significant lower abdominal fat, also called a suprapubic fat pad, this can cover up a portion of your penis, making it appear shorter. Losing weight can help to ‘uncover’ the penis and gain that length back,” according to Jessica Yih MD. In addition, a stress-free and smoke-free lifestyle can improve blood vessel health resulting in better and longer erections.

Parting shot

On a conclusive note, it is safe to say that following a healthy lifestyle coupled with employing traction-based penis extender devices are the only scientifically proven ways to improve and enhance the thickness of the penis. So the next time your friend or partner asks about “how to increase penile size and girth naturally?” all you need to do is forward this link to them –

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clinically tested device