Vacuum devices and penis pumps
If you’ve decided you want to increase the size of your penis, you may be researching all the various methods out there to decide which one is best for you. The numbers of options available can be overwhelming, and you may have considering trying a vacuum device or searching around for the best penis pump.
Vacuum devices and penis pumps are actually better for treating erectile dysfunction, rather than increasing penis size naturally. Vacuum devices and penis pumps work by creating a vacuum inside the device which draws blood into the penis, causing it to swell and become erect. But the effects are only temporary. Studies have shown the long-term effects of repeatedly using a vacuum device or penile pump actually gives no significant increase in size after six months of using it. Vacuum devices and penis pumps may also give the user the placebo effect of a longer, thicker penis, but ultimately, it’s unlikely to give visible, long-lasting results.
Penis pumps can also give you unwanted side effects, especially if you don’t follow the instructions to the letter. Some users report side effects such as pin-sized red dots known as ‘petechiae’, which are caused by bleeding under the surface of the skin. It may also cause the feeling of your semen feeling trapped when you ejaculate, or could even make ejaculating painful. Best avoided!
The Jes Extender penis enlargement device uses penis traction to increase the size of your penis naturally, and is the only method of penis enlargement that’s safe, natural and gives permanent results. Find out more about how penis traction works here.
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