Pills and cream

Non-surgical treatment of peyronie's disease

If you’re wanting to increase your penis size, you may be looking for the most natural method of doing so. There are some natural penis pills out there that can increase blood flow into the penis to give you a harder erection, but pills and creams won’t give you any permanent results when it comes to extra length and girth. Pills and creams that claim to increase penis size naturally often just give a placebo effect and don’t give real results in length and girth. Pills and creams for penis enlargement that increase blood pressure on the penis can give you an erection that’s harder and lasts longer, but this has no effect on penis size.

If you still want to try penis enlargement pills, we really recommend visiting your GP and getting a verified prescription. As well as only giving a placebo effect, they can also give you some pretty unpleasant side effects if you take something that isn’t suited to your body. These can include headaches, nausea, allergies and heart palpitations.


The Jes Extender penis enlargement device uses penis traction to increase the size of your penis naturally, and is the only method of penis enlargement that’s safe, natural and gives permanent results. Find out more about how penis traction works here.

Have we convinced you that the Jes Extender is the best way of increasing the size of your penis? Click here to discover the Jes Extender range of products